
Funimation, a renowned anime streaming platform and a leader in anime dubbing, provided me with a unique opportunity to contribute as a Digital Designer on their experiential team. In this role, I played a key part in shaping the digital presence and user experience of Funimation's expansive streaming offerings.

One of my primary responsibilities was creating stream assets for multiple platforms, including Hulu, Amazon, Apple TV, and Funimation's own streaming service. By crafting captivating visuals and engaging designs, I aimed to entice viewers and enhance their anime streaming experience. These assets played a crucial role in conveying the essence of the anime content and capturing the attention of anime enthusiasts across various platforms.

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As part of the experiential team, I also had the privilege of working on exciting projects such as the Black Friday sale site. Through thoughtful design, user-friendly interfaces, and persuasive visual elements, I contributed to creating an immersive and enjoyable shopping experience for fans looking to snag great deals on their favorite anime merchandise and subscriptions.

In addition to digital design work, I ventured into the realm of programmatic advertisements, email blasts, and billboards. By applying my creative skills and understanding of Funimation's brand identity, I developed eye-catching advertisements that effectively communicated the appeal of the streaming service and engaged potential users. Whether it was creating dynamic display ads or designing attention-grabbing billboards, my goal was to increase brand awareness and attract new subscribers to Funimation's extensive anime library.

Furthermore, I had the opportunity to contribute to seasonal updates, ensuring that Funimation's digital presence remained fresh, relevant, and aligned with the spirit of various occasions. By designing seasonal-themed assets, I helped create a vibrant and festive atmosphere for users, enhancing their connection to the platform and deepening their engagement with the anime content.

Being part of the Funimation team allowed me to combine my passion for anime with my design skills, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of this leading streaming platform.

Client :
Date :
February 28, 2022
Location :
Los Angeles, California
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