As the head web designer for Activision's renowned franchise, Call of Duty, I have had the privilege of spearheading numerous projects across the gaming series. From the highly anticipated Warzone Mobile to the iconic Modern Warfare II, and now Modern Warfare III. I have lead the web creative team, creating all the captivating designs that have helped shape the franchise's digital presence.
One of my proudest achievements is the design of the Modern Warfare II homepage. This project played a pivotal role in the game's success, as it served as a gateway for players to dive into the immersive world of the latest installment. Through careful consideration of user experience, visual aesthetics, and seamless navigation, I crafted a homepage that captivated players and enticed them to explore the game's features and engage with its content. The success of Modern Warfare II was truly exhilarating, with the opening weekend alone amassing over $800 million in revenue.